If you would like send a financial gift to Bothwell Christian Fellowship, please consider one of the options below.  Tax receipts for qualifying donations will be issued by the Christian Mennonite Conference.   If you have any questions, please email donations@bothwellchristianfellowship.com.


Please make cheques payable to Bothwell Christian Fellowship.  Please place it in the offering plate during the Sunday morning worship service or mail to: Box 4, New Bothwell, MB R0A 1C0.

Interac e-Transfer

Send e-Transfers to donations@bothwellchristianfellowship.com.   More information on e-Transfers can be found at www.scu.mb.ca (for those who bank with Steinbach Credit Union), or check with your financial institution.


Give online using your credit card or PayPal account.  (Donations are made through the CMC website – select Bothwell Christian Fellowship from the Ministry field) Click here to donate online


Further assistance in charitable gift planning and additional resources are available from Abundance Canada