Midweek Activities

Wednesday Night Clubs (Junior Youth)

Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm (October-April)
All children in Grades 1-6 are welcome to join us for Wednesday night clubs. Games, science experiments, Bible lessons, singing, event nights, and great snacks.

Young Teens

Wednesdays 7:45-8:45 pm (October-April)
If you are in grade 7 or 8, this invitation is for you. Join us for a lot of fun games, special events, and learning about Jesus!

Senior Youth

Fridays 7:00 pm (October-May)
Bible studies; outreach into the community; evenings of games, fellowship, and more… We know how hard it is to have safe place to have fun and hang out with friends, so we want Fridays to be just that. All grade 9-12 students are welcome and bring a friend! 

Young Adult Bible Study

Biweekly (every other Tuesday) 7:00 pm (October-May)

Mom’s Bible Study

Bi-weekly (every other Thursday) 9:00-10:30 am
The Mom’s Bible Study group is an inviting place for moms to learn, be encouraged, and study God’s Word. Childcare is provided.

Prayer Meetings

Contact Pastor Ron for more details.


Sunday Mornings

Sunday School

9:30-10:30 am (September-June)
Classes for all age groups: preschool, elementary, junior high, high school, young adults (college & career), adult.

Worship Service

11:00 am (September to June)
10:00 am (July, August, and September long weekend)


Niverville Helping Hands

The Niverville Helping Hands Ministry has a satellite location out of our church. A donation bin is set up in the foyer. To request a hamper, please call 204-392-5699. Visit www.nivervillehelpinghands.org for more information.

UGM Toss Box

Donate clothing and other items for Union Gospel Mission. Items can be placed in the big blue bin located in the church parking lot. Visit  www.uniongospelmission.ca for more information.


More information at www.cmconference.ca/missions