As you are aware, there is a global pandemic and Manitoba Health officials in conjunction with the federal government are recommending the cancellation of public gatherings of more than fifty people. This affects our worship services, along with other ministries. In compliance to the health authorities’ recommendations we are canceling the following until further notice with updates to follow:
- Sunday morning worship services
- Sunday School classes
- College/Career
- Young Mom’s Bible study
- Jr. Youth & Young Teens
- Sr. Youth
- Common Ground
- Conquer Series
The Double Portion concert scheduled for April 5, Gospel concert has also been cancelled.
Some suggestions for Sunday morning in-home worship are the following:
- We encourage you to take the lead in family worship hour through Bible study, prayer time, and fellowship with your family.
- Zondervan Masters Lecture series one-month free subscription available now.
- 2-3 families gathering for in-home worship could be a possibility; “social-distancing” is recommended but this could still be practiced. Please use discretion.
- See CMC conference website for resources – more information to follow regarding the possibility of pre-recorded sermons from various CMC pastors.
- As pastors we are also considering submitting a bi-weekly Scripture text to you for study and discussion as a family – more information to follow.
Offering/Tithe – click here for more info
As a ministerial we ask all those who call BCF their home to:
- Encourage one another, pray for one another, share a Scripture verse, etc. via email, text, phone call, etc. God’s people are not physically gathering at BCF on Sunday morning but we can still “gather” spiritually every day by encouraging each other!
- Visit one another – “social-distancing” is recommended but this can still be practiced with an in-home visit, coffee shop visit, or by simply taking a walk together. Please use discretion.
- Care-groups – “social-distancing” is recommended but this can still be practiced. Please use discretion.
- Please feel free to call or visit the pastors/deacons; we will do our best to make ourselves available if you need, or want to chat. (Ron is available at the church office from Monday-Thursday, 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
As a ministerial we ask that you please pray:
- For one another; uphold each other through this time of uncertainty.
- For the community of Bothwell; there is a sense of “fear/panic” in people.
- For medical personnel and world leaders as they work at addressing the coronavirus.
- For the elderly/vulnerable who are more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus.
- For those mourning and grieving over loved ones lost during this time.
- A turning to God – that humanity would cry out to God.
This is a “first” for all of us…we will be working at the details as we move along. If you have any questions regarding the above, or further suggestions that would help us minister to each other during this time please contact one of the ministerial.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13:14, ESV)
Bothwell Christian Fellowship Chapel Ministerial
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